Planning for Floods and Droughts: Reflections and Future Opportunities
2 October 2018 | United Nations | Nairobi, Kenya
About the event
On October 2nd, 2018, the Flood and Drought Management Tools (FDMT) project held its final event "Planning for Floods and Droughts: Reflections and Future Opportunities" bringing together high level representatives to discuss the ongoing transition towards using data tool solutions in water management, with perspectives and lessons learned from the FDMT project.
The event provided a platform to share the experience of the FDMT project through the lens of key project stakeholders within the pilot basins (and learning basins) and project partenrs (UN Environment, DHI and IWA). The event demonstrated how the project outputs can be used by a broader group of stakeholders and key international institutes beyond the project now and in the future with respect to the management of water resources in the context of climate variability and change.
The Flood and Drought Management Tools project is funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF), implemented by UNEP, with the International Water Association (IWA) and DHI as the executing agencies. The project is developing a methodology with a package of technical applications to support planning from the transboundary basin to local (water utility) level by including better information on floods and droughts. The methodolgy and technical applications have been developed and tested in 3 pilot basins: Volta, Lake Victoria and Chao Phraya.

- To share experiences and the future vision for managing water resources in transboundary basins.
- To raise awareness and ownership of the Flood and Drought Portal applications as a mechanism to address current and future water challenges.
- To officially hand over the completed Flood and Drought Management Tools to GEF and key stakeholders.
Read the synthesis report
Speakers and panelists
Flood and Drought Management Tools project overview | Katharine Cross, IWA
DHI - Perspective, experience and next steps (strategic recommendations) | Oluf Jessen, DHI
IWA - Perspective, experience and next steps (strategic recommendations) | Katharine Cross, IWA
Information for water management and planning | Peter Bjørnsen, UNEP-DHI
- Dr. Guoping Zhang, World Bank
- Dr. Chris Shitote, Famine Early Warning Systems Network
- Dr. Sabiiti Geoffrey, IGAD Climate Prediction and Applications Centre
- Mr. Leonard Sweta, Regional Centre for Mapping of Resources for Development (RCMRD)
Future opportunities | Key highlights from GEF-7 strategy, and potential thematic areas of further intervention(s) | Yegor Volovik, UN Environment
- Dr. Sutat Weesakul, Hydro and Agro Informatics Institute
- Eng. Omari Mwinjaka, Lake Victoria Basin Commission
- Dr. Jacob Tumbulto, Volta Basin Authority
- Ms. Lis Bernhardt, Programme Officer
How outputs of Flood and Drought Management Tools will be used to address hydro-climatic risk | Dr. Silver Mugisha, National Water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC)
- Eng. Omari Mwinjaka, Lake Victoria Basin Commission (LVBC)
- Dr. Jacob Tumbulto, Volta Basin Authority (VBA)
- Dr. Sutat Weesakul, Hydro and Agro Informatics Institute (HAII)
Water supply issues and challenges (using the Flood and Drought Management Tools) | Kizito Masinde, IWA
- Dr. Silver Mugisha, National Water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC)
- Mr. Meck Manyama, Mwanza Urban Water Supply & Sewerage Authority (MWUWASA)
- Mr. George Odero, Kisumu Water And Sewerage Company Ltd (KIWASCO)