Flood and Drought Management Tools

EbA Road Map: The implementation of Ecosystem based Adaptation for Flood and Drought Management

Stakeholder participation are conducted to ensure the acceptance from the communities To foster the rather new concept of EbA in Thailand‘s Flood and Drought Management GIZ-ECOSWat developed together with Department for Water resources and the Royal Irrigation Department a so called “EbA Road Map” ( Read More ) to help water related organization to understand and apply the process of implementation of EbA measures into their flood and drought resp. Most of EbA measures need space for implementation and people mostly are not willing to give their land which can be the obstacle for the implementation of EbA

EbA Road Map: The implementation of Ecosystem based Adaptation for Flood and Drought Management

Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) is the use of biodiversity and ecosystem services as part of an overall adaptation strategy to help people to adapt to the adverse effects of climate change (CBD, 2009). EbA measures provide cost effective and sustainable management. The process of developing EbA measures for each river basin is based on results of vulnerability analyses.

GIZ-ECOSWat project conducted the vulnerability assessment related to flood and drought in the selected watershed areas. The process of selection of the proposed EbA measures are include the economic analysis. Stakeholder participation are conducted to ensure the acceptance from the communities To foster the rather new concept of EbA in Thailand‘s Flood and Drought Management GIZ-ECOSWat developed together with Department for Water resources and the Royal Irrigation Department a so called “EbA Road Map” (Read More) to help water related organization to understand and apply the process of implementation of EbA measures into their flood and drought resp. water management planning.

Mr. Nitas Prompan and his team, Engineering from Department of Water Resources (DWR), who designed for the first EbA measure in Hui Sai Bart sub-river basin in Khon Kaen province confirm that the EbA Road Map is useful. The tool gives clear guidelines about process of EbA implementation in river basin water management. In their point of view the key for successful implementation of EbA how to communicate the benefits of EbA to communities. Most of EbA measures need space for implementation and people mostly are not willing to give their land which can be the obstacle for the implementation of EbA.

Such an advanced understanding of the EbA concept is confirmed by Ms. Wanlapha Putthaprek, Subdistrict Administrative organization Officer (SAO), who works in Tha Di sub-river basin, Nakhon Si Thammarate. She is strongly convinced that the using of ecosystem services for water management bring higher benefits to the communities than the gray infrastructure.

Dr. Wachiraporn Kumnerdpet Director, division of water resources development, Royal Irrigation Department (RID) who work closely with communities for long time agrees that the road map developed together with GIZ-ECOSWat is useful. She stated that especially the root cause analysis provides real benefit to the communities, because it helps them to understand the real cause of water problems. The public hearing and stakeholder participation are important steps in the process.

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In Thailand, land use cannot be easily changed. Most of EbA measures need space for implementation and people mostly are not willing to give their land which can be the obstacle for the implementation of EbA.

Mr Nitas Prompan, Engineer, with the Bureau of Water Resources Conservation and Rehabilitation, DWR

GIZ-ECOSWat - http://ecoswat-thailand.com/

March 2017